About This Game Identity is a new breed of massively multiplayer online role-playing game where hundreds of players interact in a world of absolute freedom. It's the actions of players which determine your fate and the fate of the world you live in.When everyone is a real person, you can live as a criminal, a police officer, business person or anything in between. You are in full control of your own future in your pursuit of wealth, glory and power.Identity takes place in a fictional land in the eastern United States, inspired primarily by the Carolinas and Georgia. The chosen location allows for a huge variety in terrain and environments. You'll encounter dirty cities, beautiful beaches, farmland, snow-capped mountains and everything in between. All of these areas are inspired by real locations in the United States, resulting in an incredibly believable and immersive world.The Town SquareThe Town Square is the first Identity module, which also includes access to future modules and the full Identity game upon its completion. As a social module, the Town Square will allow you to create and customize your characters, meet new friends and enjoy a bunch of interesting and fun things to do. This is your first preview of what's to come with Identity!Identity's Town Square, a closed-off section of the Ash Hill city center, gives you a sneak peek at some of the items you've received from pledging to Identity. With a few dozen people per town square server, you can hang out and play games with other Identity fans while waiting on future modules and the full Identity world.Following the Town Square, two additional modules will be released: SWAT and Racing. After all modules are playable, you'll get access to the Identity game as a whole. 6d5b4406ea Title: IdentityGenre: Adventure, Massively Multiplayer, RPG, Simulation, Early AccessDeveloper:Asylum Entertainment Inc.Publisher:Asylum Entertainment Inc.Release Date: 30 Nov, 2018 Identity Portable it doesnt even work. I wish the game vas full released because I have been waiting on a game like this for for years. Wow. I saw all the negative reviews and a few positive ones. I loved the idea of this game and decided I can be patient and play the modules while they develop the game. No big deal, right? WRONG!!!DO NOT BUY THIS STEAMING GARBAGE!!! If what little they have done with this game is ANY sign of what is to come, this game is already DEAD ON ARRIVAL!!!Just "creating my character" I ran into numerous problems. The customization is not by any means in depth. You literally have about 5 outfits, 5 faces, a few haircuts to choose from. After I finally got past that I load up the game about 5 time and this is ALL I GET https:\/\/steamcommunity.com\/sharedfiles\/filedetails\/?id=1746895079I already want my $30 back. Don't waste yours. Move on.. This game is an unredeemable mess that openly deceived its crowdfunding backers, created outragously priced backing tiers, and ultimately failed to meet any of its planned major content update goals. While not the absolute worst game I've ever seen here on Steam, it is a miserable embarrassing excuse of a game, one that could have, in the right hands, have been something truly special. For more specifics, check out my full video review done below.https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=h8KHECZgk_w&lc. Shame on the devs its not completed yet but i still choose to buy it and i even cant enter to my apartment,each and every thing is glitchy.they should at least fix these glitches. Total garbage!!!!!!!!Crashes all the time!!! Every other time I try to get into the game, the main menu doesn't even load!!! I have to constantly restart cause when the menu does load, the game usually just freezes and stops loading as I'm trying to get into it!!!! When I buy furniture, it doesn't even show up in inventory, and can't change anything in the apartment!!! No customization!!!! ALL LIES!!!!. a friend said buy this game....he is no longer a friend. this is currently broken for me, i will load into the main menu just fine but when i press play i get stuck under the game itself and cant do anything. i am unable to even quit or bring up any screens, have to alt tab out and hard close the game. was really looking forward to this game but guess it was just a joke to take my money. Game update [26.12.2016]. New game-mode and more!: Added new gamemode ZOMBIEMATCHZombies need to infect all players. Players need to survive. Roundtime - 3 minutes.Warmup 90 seconds. Infection begins after 20 seconds of each round with randomly 1-2 players infected(alpha-zombies). Zombies need to hit players to infect them. The last player stays to death.Alpha-zombie has 9000 hp, regular zombie 5000 hp.Zombies have hp regeneration +10HP per second.Zombies have 10% speed advantage.All players have 15000$ from the start.All players have infinite ammo.There is a fog on the zombie maps. Zombies has better vision.There is no players collision in this gamemode.Shots are pushing back zombies.Fixes:- Players can no longer move while planting the bomb.- Fixed wrong appearance of the knife.- Fixed bug when player could interrupt planting the bomb with a shot.. WARMODE Global Update [30.05.2019]: We are pleased to announce that a global update has been released. Successfully made the transition to the version of Unity3D 2019. Made significant improvements and corrections. Also taken into account many wishes of the players. Improved server side. Changed the visual part, redesigned menu and game interface. A completely new look has gained the server selection menu, character customization, the item shop.Have a nice game!. New gamemode test. Тестирование нового режима.: Everybody is able to test the brand new game mode now. Enter CHANNEL 02 and choose the server(ELIMINATION game mode). However it not entirely polished yet. Stay tuned to updates!Новый режим доступен для теста. Для этого зайдите на КАНАЛ 02 и выберите соответствующий сервер(режим "УНИЧТОЖЕНИЕ"). Пока что возможны баги. Ждите новых обновлений!. WARMODE Update 24 Oct 2015: Hello everybody! Today we've released a patch with a few updates:- Fixed bug with floating players in the center of the map.- Added voting system in ESC menu. Voting allow players to kick hackers from the match(70% of yes is needed to successful kick). Kicked player can't join to the same server for a few hours.- Returned 2 maps: Hangars and Catacombs.Всем привет! Сегодня мы выпустили небольшой патч с парочкой нововведений:- Исправлен баг с висящими игроками в центре карты.- Добавлена голосовалка в ESC меню. Голосовалка позволяет временно исключить читера из матча(чтобы исключить читера требуется как минимум 70% голосов ЗА). Исключенный игрок не сможет вернуться на сервер в течение нескольких последующих часов.- 2 карты были возвращены в ротацию: Ангары и Катакомбы.. Game update 19.09.2016: - Added 1:30 sec warmup at start in CONFRONTATION and DETONATION gamemodes.- New weapons skins in the shop.- Anticheat updated.- Fixed weapon muzzleflash- Fixed game crash if Steam is not launched.. Game update 08.10.2016: - Kill-list is automatically cleared.- Kills is now written to the console [~].- Bug: Bomb disappears from the map when a new player joined - Fixed.. WARMODE Update 22 Oct 2015: Hello everybody! We glad to inform you guys that we plan to add custom paintings for weapons. Today we added the paintings to the AK47. Soon we will add paintings for the rest of the guns. Full changelog:- Added custom paintings for AK47(available in shop)- Added earning money for assists- Added X5 exp. bonus rate for "Elimination" gamemode- Added Warmode Trading CardsThank you guys for supporting and stay tuned for the next updates!Доброго дня суток бойцам Вармода! Не для кого не секрет что мы планируем добавлять покраску стволов в нашу игру, и сегодня мы уже добавили первую партию покрасок для АК-47. Вскоре мы будем добавлять покраску и для остального оружия.Полный список изменений:- Добавлены покраски для АК-47(доступны в магазине)- Добавлено получение денег за помощь(раньше деньги давались только за убийства) - Добавлен Х5 множитель опыта на режим "Уничтожение"- Добавлены коллекционные карточки WarmodeСпасибо за поддержку, ждите последующих обновлений!. Game update. New game-mode and more!: Warmode has subjected significant changes.GAME SETTINGS> Text buy menu - Allows you to switch the equipment purchase menu in text mode> Dynamic scope - You can turn off the visual extension of sightCONTROL SETTINGSThe keys can be changed in game settings> Sneak [C] - slow silent walk mode> Throw Weapon [V] - Throw away gun (bomb) on the map> Purchase of ammunition [B ] - Menu Quick purchase ammunitionBesides the fact that weapons can be disposed of, it also falls on the card when the player's death. Weapons thrown only store content without ammunition. When a player dies weapons falls along with the entire contents of the store and ammunition.Change the name of the game modes:> DEATHMATCH - instead of SKIRMISH> CONFRONTATION - instead of ELIMINATIONA new game mode is a DETONATION. In fact, it is a classic mode with bomb in Counter-Strike. Playing against a team as a team in the confrontation mode.The bomb in the early rounds randomly given one of the Merc team players. The player, who issued a bomb, see in the lower right corner of the C4 icon screen. Also, the icon is marked on the radar bomb - Merc see who carries the bomb, or where it is on the map, Warcorp only see a bomb on the map and only a short distance. The installation of the bomb this team has 3 minutes. After a bomb laid in WARCORP team has 40 seconds to its clearance.In this mode, enter a new item DefuseKit inventory. Without him on the clearance of the bomb takes 10 seconds with him 2 times less. Its cost is - $ 200. The presence DefuseKit inventory indicates an icon in the form of wire cutters in the bottom right corner of the screen. If a player is killed, the DefuseKit falls on a map, and it can pick up an ally.Also, new maps have been created for this mode.Introduced Freezetime (time for procurement in the early rounds) and Friendlyfire (shooting on their own, 50% less damage).Basic parameters Warmode modes:DEATHMATCHStartmoney (Start money) - $ 2000Freezetime - 0 secFriendlyfire - noRate (Rate) - 1XCONFRONTATIONStartmoney - $ 800Freezetime - 5 secondsFriendlyfire - haveRate - 10XDETONATIONStartmoney - $ 800Freezetime - 5 secondsFriendlyfire - haveRate - 10XArmor is now divided into two types:> Body armor - the cost of $ 650.> Body armor with helmet - costs $ 1,000.Simple body armor protects the stomach and chest, and a vest with a helmet and head, respectively, more. Protection from damage will be the same at 1% or 100% of the vest, and is completely absent at 0%.Introduced two more types of grenades - stun and smoke.Their cost is set as follows:Fragmentation grenade (FG) - $ 300Stun grenades (FB) - $ 300Smoke Grenade (SG) - $ 200Power reduced fragmentation grenades to strike the right balance in the game.In the lower right corner of the screen icons to inform and grenades available in inventory. If you bought a pomegranate, it is highlighted in orange. Selected pomegranate is indicated in white, it will inform the player on what is a grenade thrown at the "fast throw grenades" (key [G] by default).Added grenade slot, selected with the number key [4]. Pressing it again switches between the type of grenades.Holding the grenade in his hand, you can hold down the left mouse button. This will break the check, and the pomegranate will not be thrown as long as the left mouse button is pressed.Fixed squat. Now the player normally quick squats. Another innovation - can be, crouching, to plant another player, so that he could jump onto the highest object.The speed of movement of the player depends on the type of weapon - a knife / grenade / gun faster with a sniper rifle / machine gun slower.Revised system of economy.For the murder weapon with different given different reward.The money in the first round - $ 800The maximum possible amount - $ 15,000Money for MERC win the roundInstalling the bomb (set) - $ 300Win a round without inserting bombs - 3,250 $Bomb attack - $ 3500Losers round, but the bomb was placed - $ 800WARCORP money for the win a roundOut of the round or win in the round without inserting bombs - 3,250 $Demining bombs - $ 3500 + $ 300 (Defuse).Defeat in several rounds in a row (plus $ 500 for each additional)1st round of a lost = $ 14002nd round of a lost = $ 19003rd round of a lost = $ 2,4004th round of a lost = $ 29005th and subsequent rounds losing = $ 3400Introduced system administration ban players for cheating and other unfair methods of obtaining advantage over other players, including a possible lifetime ban and account. Cheater can be banned without warning, immediately or some time after the meet specific list of players.
Identity Portable
Updated: Mar 11, 2020